Sagittarius, is the image of the centaur Chiron, a being that is distinguished from the others by its wisdom and knowledge. He was born of the love between Cronos and the nymph Filiras, and had the strange form of half man, half horse,Chiron was taught by Apollo and Artemis in the art of medicine and the hunting, in the course of a battle he was wounded by an arrow, which caused him terrible pains. As it was inmortal doesn’t wanted to continue living with a perpetual agony, with the consent of the gods he offered his immortality to Prometeo, dying shortly afterwards. Zeus put it between the stars of the sky forming the constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer).
Sagittarius the archer s is a spectacular constellation of about 700or square located in the southern hemisphere observable from almost the entire planet, but of course in the southern hemisphere we can contemplate it in its full splendour. In the southern hemisphere is observable during the months of autumn, winter and spring; in contrast to the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere is total view during the warm nights of summer at low altitude over the horizon. The constellation of Sagittarius has the particularity that the ecuador of the Milky Way crosses the constellation in two parts. In addition, the center of our Milky Way galaxy is in the southeast of the same, the Milky Way's nucleus is located 30,000 light years from the Sun, therefore, if we look to this constellation, thanks to its proximity to the center of the galaxy, we can get to see your kernel and a large quantity of clusters and tasty fields of stars.
Kaus Australis (ε Sgr)
Nunki (σ Sgr)
Ascella (ζ Sgr)
Kaus Medius (δ Sgr)
Kaus Borealis (λ Sgr)

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