The son of king of Troy, Ganymede, was the most beautiful of all young people of the Earth ,Zeus rapture the boy and took him to the Olympus to make it his cupbearer staff. This abduction had many implications on mount Olympus. The arrival annoys Hebe, goddess of youth and daughter of Hera, wife of Zeus she felt offended by the insult to Hebe, the attitude of his wife infuriated Zeus, who glorified ganymede giving it a place in the stars.
Aquarius, is a constellation that’s complicated to distinguish because it has no star that exceeds the magnitude 3. Fornalhaut is a good indicator to find the constellation of Aquarius, and 30or toward the northwest of this same star distinguishes a stellar group that indicates the presence of the jar of water. You can locate the head of the man and the jug to the south of Pegaso at the height of the head of the horse. This constellation has its peak at the end of August and principles of September.
Their main stars are:
- Sadalmelik, a yellow star of magnitude 3.0, this star marks the right shoulder of the figure, next to the jar.
- Sadalsuud, yellow star of magnitude 2.9 . The left shoulder is indicated by this star.
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