The Romans came up with the idea of the goddess fish in the myth of Venus and her son Cupid. These two mythic figures were surprised by the monster Tifon, but Venus knew that they could escape by water. Caught Cupid and immersed himself in the water, the both were transformed into fish. To make sure that not be lost, were tied with a rope. In the sky we see, therefore, to both mother and child, which are united by a rope.
Pisces, the 12th zodiacal constellation, it is difficult to locate because the stars that compose it are very faint; none of them exceeds the magnitude 4. The figure consists of two fish tied by their tails with a rope; the fish eastern swims in the vertical direction, while your partner is oriented toward the west and located just a few degrees above the equator, more or less parallel to this. A ring of five stars, which in some occasions, they have received the name of the wheel, is located immediately south of the great Square of Pegasus, and to the south, but slightly to the east of the bright star Markab. The head of the fish, that swims, toward the north is about to collide with Andromeda, and it is easy to find it exactly to the south of Mirach. In the eastern end of this constellation, the rope that binds the fish is indicated by the star Alrischa. Pisces has its peak between the end of September and principles of October.
η Psc
γ Psc
ω Psc
ι Psc
Torcularis Septentrionalis (ο Psc)

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