Phrixus and Helle are the children of Athamas, king of Thessaly and Nephele. After being widowed, Athamas married Ino again. Years later, the kingdom suffers a period of famine and the queen decides to sacrifice the brothers to end this dark age. Hermes saves children by giving them a winged ram with golden wool, and endowed with the gift of speech. the kids start their way to Asia, saving their lifes. During the trip Hele falls into the sea and drowns. Phrixus reached Colchis, where Aeetes king welcomed him and gave him his daughter in marriage to Calcíope.
In appreciation of Aeetes, Phrixus sacrificed the ram and the wool offers the king, who devotes himself to Ares and hung from an oak in a grove dedicated to the god, guarded by a huge dragon and surrounded by huge fields where wild bulls graze.
Aries is a zodiacal constellation in the North hemisphere located between the constellations Pisces and Taurus, the Sun crosses this constellation from late April and early May. Aries the ecliptic crosses the lower part of the constellation near the constellation of Cetus. This is a small constellation of about 400 square degrees. Visible in the North hemisphere and to 70 degrees south latitude which crosses the meridian at night in October.
Hamal (α Ari)
Sheratan (β Ari)
41 Ari
Botein (δ Ari)
HD 20644
Ari ε
35 Ari
Ari γ2
Because it's difficult to see a constellation, it is recommend that the search is focused on its two biggest stars;
Hamal, a yellow star of magnitude 2 and Sheratan, a magnitude 2.6 white

I didn't know the stars names of the constellation ! very well the information :) thanks !
ResponderEliminarDaniela Córdova 3°D