jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


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The Romans came up with the idea of the goddess fish in the myth of Venus and her son Cupid. These two mythic figures were surprised by the monster Tifon, but Venus knew that they could escape by water. Caught Cupid and immersed himself in the water, the both were transformed into fish. To make sure that not be lost, were tied with a rope. In the sky we see, therefore, to both mother and child, which are united by a rope.

Pisces, the 12th zodiacal constellation, it is difficult to locate because the stars that compose it are very faint; none of them exceeds the magnitude 4. The figure consists of two fish tied by their tails with a rope; the fish eastern swims in the vertical direction, while your partner is oriented toward the west and located just a few degrees above the equator, more or less parallel to this. A ring of five stars, which in some occasions, they have received the name of the wheel, is located immediately south of the great Square of Pegasus, and to the south, but slightly to the east of the bright star Markab. The head of the fish, that swims, toward the north is about to collide with Andromeda, and it is easy to find it exactly to the south of Mirach. In the eastern end of this constellation, the rope that binds the fish is indicated by the star Alrischa. Pisces has its peak between the end of September and principles of October.


η Psc

γ Psc

ω Psc

ι Psc

Torcularis Septentrionalis (ο Psc)



The son of king of Troy, Ganymede, was the most beautiful of all young people of the Earth ,Zeus rapture the boy and took him to the Olympus to make it his cupbearer staff. This abduction had many implications on mount Olympus. The arrival annoys Hebe, goddess of youth and daughter of Hera, wife of Zeus she felt offended by the insult to Hebe, the attitude of his wife infuriated Zeus, who glorified ganymede giving it a place in the stars.

Aquarius, is a constellation that’s complicated to distinguish because it has no star that exceeds the magnitude 3. Fornalhaut is a good indicator to find the constellation of Aquarius, and 30or toward the northwest of this same star distinguishes a stellar group that indicates the presence of the jar of water. You can locate the head of the man and the jug to the south of Pegaso at the height of the head of the horse. This constellation has its peak at the end of August and principles of September.

Their main stars are:
- Sadalmelik, a yellow star of magnitude 3.0, this star marks the right shoulder of the figure, next to the jar.
- Sadalsuud, yellow star of magnitude 2.9 . The left shoulder is indicated by this star.



Capricorn is associated with the Greek god Pan, known for its lustful behavior and by the invention of the pan flute. Some say he was a satyr; a man with goats legs, cloven-hoofed and horns. He received his honors when Rea sent the sea monster Tifon to destroy the gods of Olympus. Pan is slop pail in a river and he sought to become a fish to escape. But only achievement transformed to half and when returned to earth, the tifon had already broken up Zeus. To frighten the monster, Pan issued a squeal, which allowed Hermes (the messenger of the gods) recover the members torn from Zeus. Together, Pan and Hermes have been reassembled to Zeus that he rewarded Pan by assigning it a place among the constellations.

Capricorn, the tenth and the smallest of the zodiacal constellations, is formed by stars of magnitude 3 and 4, located to the east of Sagittarius. Its height is given at the beginning of August, but the combination of clear skies and its location at the south of the equator make this constellation is appreciated very little since middle and high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. You can locate by drawing a line from Vega (constellation Lira) that pass by Altair (from the constellation of the Eagle) going through the Milky Way, until you reach Algedi and Dabih, which are the stars alpha and beta of the horns of the goat.

Their main stars are:

- Algedi or Giedi, a yellowish star of magnitude 3.6 . The two names mean "goat" or "ibex". Algedi is, in reality a couple of stars, apparently boards but without any relationship.

Dabih - a star yellow-gold of magnitude 3.1 the name has its origin in arabic to Sa'd the Dhabih, "the lucky of the slaughtermen", and refers to the arabic tradition of sacrificing a goat when the Sun enters for the first time in the fields of stellar Capricorn.

- Deneb Algedi, magnitude 2.9 . The most brilliant of Capricorn, called the "tail of the goat".


Sagittarius, is the image of the centaur Chiron, a being that is distinguished from the others by its wisdom and knowledge. He was born of the love between Cronos and the nymph Filiras, and had the strange form of half man, half horse,Chiron was taught by Apollo and Artemis in the art of medicine and the hunting, in the course of a battle he was wounded by an arrow, which caused him terrible pains. As it was inmortal doesn’t wanted to continue living with a perpetual agony, with the consent of the gods he offered his immortality to Prometeo, dying shortly afterwards. Zeus put it between the stars of the sky forming the constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer).

Sagittarius the archer s is a spectacular constellation of about 700or square located in the southern hemisphere observable from almost the entire planet, but of course in the southern hemisphere we can contemplate it in its full splendour. In the southern hemisphere is observable during the months of autumn, winter and spring; in contrast to the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere is total view during the warm nights of summer at low altitude over the horizon. The constellation of Sagittarius has the particularity that the ecuador of the Milky Way crosses the constellation in two parts. In addition, the center of our Milky Way galaxy is in the southeast of the same, the Milky Way's nucleus is located 30,000 light years from the Sun, therefore, if we look to this constellation, thanks to its proximity to the center of the galaxy, we can get to see your kernel and a large quantity of clusters and tasty fields of stars.

Kaus Australis (ε Sgr)
Nunki (σ Sgr)
Ascella (ζ Sgr)
Kaus Medius (δ Sgr)
Kaus Borealis (λ Sgr)


The leyend says that one day while artemis was haunting the gigant orion suddenly apperead in the middle of the wood. Orion looked at her and found her beautiful and young so he tried to seduce her .But artemis was a caste deity so she asked a scorpion to help. The scorpion bitted the giant and he set artemis free so to reward thescorpion, artemis put it in the sky Just on the opposite side of the constellation Orion. This is the scorpion, who is represented in the sky of summer. Orion shines in the nights of winter and its brightness wanes when it arises the constellation Scorpius. That is why competition develops between Scorpio and Orion.

Since ancient times, were recognized 24 stars formed the figure of the scorpion and three others that were out of the design. The most important is the alpha Antares or "Heart of the Scorpion", because in the figure is found in the place of the heart of the animal. Antares is a super giant red 400 times larger than our own Sun, its spectral type is mixed, and lately it is said that this is a double with dwarf. The greatest of these is of type M0 of reddish color and low-temperature, and the small companion-type A3 green. Lesath is another star interesting. It is of the type B3, hotter than the previous one, and together with Shaula, form the sting of the scorpion

Antarès (α Sco)
Shaula (λ Sco)
Sargas (θ Sco)
ε Sco
Dschubba (δ Sco)


The balance symbolized the identical duration of the day and night in the equinoxes: two millenniums ago, the passage of Sun to Pound marked the equinox of September. Were the roman’s astrologers who interpreted the scales of Libra as justice, subject by Astrea, the goddess of justice.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, is situated between Virgo to the west and Scorpio, to the east. Due to its low visual charm, it is easier identification from Scorpio. To do this we will have to extend the claws of the scorpion to form a few large claws. The tip of the scales, Zuben Elgenubi is almost exactly on the ecliptic, half way and a few degrees north of a line that extends between Spica (Virgo) and Antares (Scorpio). Pound has its peak at the beginning of may; you can see it from all latitudes except from the arctic region.

Their stars more significant are:
- Zuben Elgenubi, which means "clip of the south". It is a blue star-white of magnitude 2.8 .
- Zuben Eschamali, means "clip of the north". This star is emerald green in color and its magnitude is 2.6 .


This constellation has always been female, and has been particularly associated with the tension between fertility and purity. Tell the story of persefone, kidnapped by Hades, which took her to hell. As a result of the rapture, the mother of persephone, Demeter destroyed all the crops. This situation forced the great gods to let her in freedom.

Virgo is the sixth zodiacal constellation and the second constellation, after Hydra in terms of surface área. However, with the exception of its brightest star, Spica, the rest has very light definition. Is represented by the figure of a winged girl superimposed on the ecuador, for the most part north of the ecliptic, although Spica, a star that indicates the position of the ecliptic. In the southern hemisphere, Virgo is a constellation of autumn, which is situated to the north of the Centaur

Their main stars are:
- Spica, which means "the spike", is a blue magnitude 1.0
- Zavijava, means "corner", is a yellow star magnitude 3.8



In the history, Hercules must flay a leon monstrous whose skin was resistant to the stones and the metal. After fighting with the lion with his bare hands and after having drowned up to kill him, Hercules use the claws of the lion for tails. With the skin is made a layer that the toward invulnerable; and with the head of the animal, a helmet.

Leo is the fifth zodiacal constellation, as well as the most easily recognized in the sky: a lion crouched looking toward the west, whose head and mane are very visible thanks to the sickle stars similar to a question invested, which draws a curve to the north of Regulus (cc Leo). The constellation Leo is located just south of the stars "indicator" of the ladle, and to the northwest of Virgo. Its peak takes place at the beginning of March.

Their main stars are:

- Regulus (regulated) or Cor Leonis, 1.4 , blue-white. The names of these stars mean, respectively, the "little king" and "heart of the lion".

- Denebola (Denebola), 2. I, white. The name Denebola means "tail of the lion".

- Algieba, 1.9 , orange-yellow. The name means "front".


According to an ancient Greek legend, the figure of a crab was placed in the night sky by the goddess Hera to form the constellation of Cancer. Hera promised to kill Heracles, the most famous Greek hero. She tried to kill Heracles in many different ways, but each time his incredible physical strength allowed him to survive. Hera cast a spell from the madness of Heracles, which makes him commit a great crime. In order to be forgiven, he had to perform twelve difficult tasks. One of these tasks was to destroy the terrible nine-headed water-serpent Hydra.
During the battle between Heracles and the Hydra, the goddess Hera sent a crab to help the snake. But Heracles, being so strong, killed the crab by smashing his shell with his foot. As a reward for their services, Hera placed the crab's image in the night sky.

The fixed stars of Cancer the past had marked the position of the sun in the June solstice. To the Mesopotamians, this key position marked the portal through which souls descend from the incarnation. This analogy is very similar to the Egyptian tradition, in which the constellation of Cancer was the sun god Khepri, celestial personification of the scarab, symbol of fertility, life and rebirth.

Cancer is one of the constellations of the zodiac signs are not very visible, in fact, a constellation that is hard to see unless you have a light pollution of the sky clear and no moon, much more.
This constellation has its culmination in the North hemisphere in late January and early February, soon to be easier to see.

At Tarf (β CNC)
Assellus Australis (δ CNC)
Acubens (CNC α)
Assellus Borealis (γ CNC)


The constellation of Gemini is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux. They are the sons of Leda, wife of the Spartan king Tyndareus and Zeus. Despite being twins, Castor was supposed to be the son of Tyndareus and thus mortal. Castor was known horse trainer and Pollux of feats. When Castor was killed by the spear of Idas, Pollux, after revenge, asked Zeus to give immortality to his brother, and since both brothers are in the sky the constellation Gemini.

Gemini, visible during the fall and winter in the North hemisphere and the south hemisphere summer.
The constellation is crossed by the parallel 30 °, to observe for the first time emphasizes his two brightest stars Castor and Pollux of almost identical magnitude. Gemini is in an area full of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, the constellation crosses the eastern sector, therefore, we observe many double stars and clusters of bright stars and variables.
Gemini is a zodiacal constellation, that is, the ecliptic or imaginary line that moves the sun and now eight planets, constellation crosses from east to west the sun remained there for more than thirty days from the end of June the first half of July. Therefore, in Gemini can see the planets and asteroids. Bounded on the north Lynx Gemini and Auriga, to the east Taurus and Orion, south of the constellation Monoceros and Canis Minor and west with Cancer

Pollux (β Gem)
Athena (γ Gem)
Castor A (αA Gem)
Tejat posterior (μ Gem)
Castor B (αB Gem)


There are three myths about Taurus:
In Egypt the god Osiris is associated, which was represented by a bull-god, and his sister Isis, goddess represented by a cow. The crescent moon as it crossed the constellation formed horns.

In Greece tells the amorous adventures of Zeus: Io, transformed into a cow by Hera,and Europe, seduced by Zeus on a beach, dressed white bull. At the very momentwhen Europe goes to the back of the bull, it crosses the ocean and takes her toCrete, where has it.

The Romans identified the bull with Bacchus. During the Bacchanalia, a bull gotcovered with flowers escort the young dancers representing the clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades.

The position of Taurus, near the Ecuador sky, allows observation from anywhere in the world, except from an Antarctic region, which partially obscures. From the northern hemisphere winter in the tropics, is shown in its most magnificent.
Its height is between late November and early December. And I recommend to seethis constellation if we could with binoculars, because wherever you look has nowaste.
Note that in this constellation is one of the most famous nebulae that exist, or better known as M1 Crab Nebula, which are remnants of a supernova (exploding star)observed in 1054.

Aldebaran (α Tau)
Elnathan (β Tau)
Alcyone (η Tau)
ζ Tau
Tau2 θ2


Phrixus and Helle are the children of Athamas, king of Thessaly and Nephele. After being widowed, Athamas married Ino again. Years later, the kingdom suffers a period of famine and the queen decides to sacrifice the brothers to end this dark age. Hermes saves children by giving them a winged ram with golden wool, and endowed with the gift of speech. the kids start their way to Asia, saving their lifes. During the trip Hele falls into the sea and drowns. Phrixus reached Colchis, where Aeetes king welcomed him and gave him his daughter in marriage to Calcíope.
In appreciation of Aeetes, Phrixus sacrificed the ram and the wool offers the king, who devotes himself to Ares and hung from an oak in a grove dedicated to the god, guarded by a huge dragon and surrounded by huge fields where wild bulls graze.

Aries is a zodiacal constellation in the North hemisphere located between the constellations Pisces and Taurus, the Sun crosses this constellation from late April and early May. Aries the ecliptic crosses the lower part of the constellation near the constellation of Cetus. This is a small constellation of about 400 square degrees. Visible in the North hemisphere and to 70 degrees south latitude which crosses the meridian at night in October.

Hamal (α Ari)
Sheratan (β Ari)
41 Ari
Botein (δ Ari)
HD 20644
Ari ε
35 Ari
Ari γ2

Because it's difficult to see a constellation, it is recommend that the search is focused on its two biggest stars;
Hamal, a yellow star of magnitude 2 and Sheratan, a magnitude 2.6 white